Monday, January 31, 2011

On the benefits of raw egg yolks...

My grand-father was born in 1912. He has started working in the fields as a peasant at the age of 7. He is gonna reach 99 this year on March 3rd. He has been eating all his life raw egg yolks straight from the chickens' butt, vegetables and legumes from his gardens, meats bought from or given by farmers, honey and royal jelly straight from the hives. We are talking more than 9 decades here; longevity...
When surfing the internet and reading the latest 'scientific' discoveries about nutrition, it seems to me that the food scientists from the city are just rediscovering what people from the countryside have known from generations and generations. We just have lost this knowledge on our way to the cities where years after years we've been putting more and more easy-to-eat processed foods, devoid of their nutrients, in our malnurished bodies. Look where a non-meaningful superficial life based on over-advertised material happiness has led us: obesity, diseases caused by food chemicals, mal-nutrition, raping of Mother Earth's resources in the name of progress...
And now science tells us that it is good to eat whole food. Well, do we really need to study 4 to 8 years post highschool diploma to know what some people have always known for centuries just by living and working in communion and harmony with Mother Nature and listening to their natural instinct about how to feed themselves?
Tip: I do swallow the egg yolk topped by some drops of lemon juice from the half egg shell straight down the throat.
A Google search will provide you with the different (and often contradictory) articles about the tremendous helth tonic benefits of raw egg yolks and the many ways of checking out the freshness of the egg.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Love this post. I have my own chickens (12 and 2 roosters) and I eat every morning about 4 or 5 RAW egg yolks. I but them in a small bowl and add some himalayan sea salt. 2 slices of toasted millet (gluten free) bread and a wheat grass smoothie on the side. I cut my toasted bread in small pieces and soak it in my small bowl with 4 or 5 RAW egg yolks. YUMMMM it is so so good. I feel great :)
    Let's go back to the basics people. Yes it is work....isn't your body your garden?! If you do not take care of your GARDEN it will not yield good things. So this....take care of your GARDEN, nourish it and bring it to will see what a good life really is :)
    AND here is something everyone should read as well.
    Angela Harrison
